chapter 3 :: WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO.

Upon seeing mahi old man stood up and walked towards mahi seeing him up and down from head to toe.

After seeing that mahi is fine the old man starts to talk with serious face.

"Mahi, the sect was ruined by our enemy sect and by the betrayers of our sect elders in order to get there hands on the dream enlightenment and dream execution treasures.

After our sect destruction those reaming outer sect disciples and the elders decided to quit form the dream land sect. The only remaining people present in this sect are you ,me and your friend chen,and all the remaining people left the dream land sect.

So, I call you here to know your opinion whether you want to remain in dream land sect or not, so tell me what do you want to do ?. I already asked disciple chen for his opinion and he said he will follow you where ever you want to go."

Hearing those words from the old man Raghu,"I won't leave the sect even if you want me to old man . I am staying hear" mahi replied without much thinking.

This strong determination and the the reply both made the old man Raghu somewhat stunned but the old man quickly regain his sence and put a serious face again and continued to talk.

"Listen carefully to my words. there is no disciples in the sect only people present in the sect are three of us. Are you sure about your answer". "Yes,there won't be any change in my decision and I won't regret it."said mahi.

"hahaaha. Good, good. This what I expect from the child I, Raghu raised." said while laughing after laughing some time the old man Raghu Said with serious face.

"come, follow me to my to basement". After saying that the old man walked to the corner of the small buliding and removed the seal placed on the wall and entered the basement through the downstairs.

Mahi is following the old man without asking any questions Because he know, only the people who really cared about him in the whole sect is the old man Raghu and his brother chen.

After walking few minutes they reached the basement with the pitch black room.The old man Raghu casually wave his arm and tarochs present on the walls are lighted.Seeing the scene present infront of him mahi gets shocked.

Infront of him is a big egg which is pitch black.Seeing the astonished mahi old man lightly laughs and says"This is the egg I got from the scarred land . Nobody knows that I got this egg from scarred land . Even I don't know what is this egg or how powerful it is but the only thing I know is this egg is related to the dark element.

After telling that the old man asked mahi to get close to the egg.

"mahi, what do you think about having a blood contract beast of your own?" this sudden question get him off-guard.

Seeing that the old man continued " Yes , I want you to have blood contract with the beast present in the egg". mahi thought about it for some time and asked a question "old man why don't you from the blood contract with the beast yourself".

Taking a deep breath the old man said with serious face "I don't have much life ,I only have few more hours to live that is why I want you to have blood with the beast. If you have blood contract beast then I will feel much better knowing there is someone to protect you" Said last sentence with a smile on his face.

Hearing this mahi got panic and said " what are you talking old man. don't make jokes like that in the future." but "Mahi, Liston to me. when the sect got attacked I was poisoned by the enemy sect elder. And there is no cure present in the dragon nation."

Listening to that mahi old 'self' memory kicks in of him being tack care by the old man. Without him even realising tears started to follow through his check.

Seeing this the old man consoled the mahi and asked "now tell me do you what to from a blood contract with the beast".at the same time mahi heard a bell like sound.

[A quest has been issued.]

[From a blood contract with the beast in the egg.


1. novice gift pack.

2. all appraisal skill.

Additional reward for completion of the hidden quest.]

With that mahi madeup his mind and asked the old man " what do you want me to do now old man".