chapter 4 :: OLD MAN RAGHU DEATH

Hearing mahi words old man smail and started to draw the contract circle.

After drawing "drop few drops of your blood on the egg and use your will through the blood to tell that you are her master and she is slave". told old man.

mahi didn't do what he was told immediately but after thinking a little bit he decides to from contract.

Taking the dagger near by he cut opens a small wound and squeeze few drops of blood and let it fall on the contract circle. Blood is sucked into the egg upon contact and the egg started to shake.

Seeing this the old man Raghu tells the mahi to complete the contract. Mahi starts to complete the contract but the words he use shocked old man Raghu that is " I, mahi want to from a contract with you by my will and blood not as a master and slave but as a partner who will go through life and death situation together and for ever". in response to the words the egg started to vibrate more and more finally the shell started to crack little by little untill completely shattered to pieces.

Seeing this the old man Raghu got shocked. Even more what shocked Raghu was not the words more but the response from the egg because starting of the contract in the egg from won't show any restainment only those who has intelgenes will resist the contract this a big shock to old man even before he comes from that shock another thing happened which shocked him to the core that is in response to mahi words the egg started to change the blood contract of master and slave to that of equal contract.

When old man told mahi to from the master and slave contract.He didn't do it immediately because he don't like the word slave because he lived in modern world.He disposes the slavery. But ever he thought that his decision will one of the best decision he made in the life.

When egg shell is shatered a small Phanter club came out. Phanter is pitch black in colour,it's eyes are red in colour,on its forehead it has half moon symbol.

While admiring the Phanter he receives notification that he completed his quest.

[ The quest has been completed].

with out forther carring about the notification he stretch his hand and rubs the cuite club.

Then a serious question roses in his mind that is. " How to feed and rise that club".

To his surprise club jumps from his hand and runs towards the shatered shell and starts to eat it.

Mahi thinks for a movement and started to collect the egg shells. After collecting the shells he returns to the old man who was recovered from the shock and started to laugh shaking his head.Seeing that mahi don't understand what was going on.

Old man tells mahi to tack care of the pet and they returned to the small building.

On the way the old man tells him what he formed is not the master and slave contract but equal contract and pros and cons of the equal contract.

Hearing this for the first time he gets shocked by the equal contract depth and at the Same time happy that his decision is correct.

After talking to the old some time he started to go out of the building but before he can leave the building. old man starts to cough the black blood. See that mahi starts to get panic and reach to hold the old man from falling and took him to the bed.

The old man face started to loss his colour become pale as Time pass by he coughed more blood.

Seeing this mahi heart start to ache. as more time pass by the old man's breathe started to become uneasy . He called the mahi freand chen to come after they both came he tells that he will die in few breaths Time and asked his last wish for them to complete one way or other ."Chen , I know you respect mahi to the core so starting from today on I , Raghu the only elder of dream sect appoint you as the 1 st elder of the sect. Mahi, a sect cannot work without a sect master so I Raghu the only remaining elder with the newly appointed elder chen asks you to become the dream land sect master do you accept it ". Not giving moch thought mahi accept the old man Last wish.

Seeing that mahi accepted his position as a sect mater and his best friend as elder the old man laughs happly and lost his last bit of life.

Seeing the lifeless body of old man chen starts to sob loudly. while mahi has complicated felling in his heart.

After some time mahi and chen starts to dig land to give a proper bariyal to old man.

They both sware that day that they will eradicate those who are responsible for the sect destruction and old man Raghu death.