After chen left that place mahi takes his time to consume the upgrade postion of top level.

After drinking the postion mahi also feels the same feeling as chen felt but that felling is double what chen felt.

Immediately after upgrade of the spritual root's to the High level mahi fells a refreshing felling and he feels a sudden change in absorbing the qi into his body. Absorbing of is taking place without using any cultivation manual.But the absorbing rate is too low.

Seeing that najiya once again shocked to the core. Improving one spritual root's with the dark arts and the secret sluptures is possible but it is impossible to improve two levels at a time. But what she saw in front of her is quite opposite to natural process. She thought that what ever knowledge she has is nothing but surface knowledge and her view about the world has changed.

Feeling the changes in his body and the dantian mahi feels immense joy. Tacking the mediation and yoga skills he starts to practice them.

Ater practicing the just more than one hour he breakthrough the next sub level that is 3rd qi level. Breakthrough is a feeling for mahi because he never started to cultivate so hethe breakthrough process ne fells like the chains that are locked him in are break apart and a refreshing felling came. " so this is the god level mediation and coupled with High grade spiritual root's aa!". He not only Break through the next level but also solidified his cultivation base.

Mahi opens his eyes and sees the najiya looking at him with intense gaze. Mahi feels shiver from his spine. Seeing that mahi stopped cultivating she compose herself and adjust her posters and asks "how was your cultivation master"."well not bad". while saying that he remembers the skills he got from the hidden quest and says"wait I got skills for you" while saying that he retrives the skills he got from the hidden quest and handed them to her.

She was very happy because her master want to give her technique but that happiness will change to that of surprise because the skills given to her was the Demi god level 'Great sword art'. The presence of the skill book makes najiya to fear. And the second skill book is rank less book and it is the book which tell about the syncing of the pet and master to become one and multiplying there combat power.

Seeing the skill book infront of her she was gone numb due to the repeated shock she resived today. She thinks that the her master origin is not that simple but complicated and at that same time she is very happy because makeing of the equal contract in which her master won't abandoned her

She quickly takes the book from him and ran away to her room before the can even talks to her.Seeing that mahi thinks that she was shy but in reality she was afraid that he might change his mind and took away the skills.

Shaking his head about the silly behaviour of najiya he goes for a walk around the sect area.

While he was seeing sect surrounding are he hears the system words

[Host, system detected a person who is suitable for taking as a desciple ]

hearing this words mahi stopped walking and asks "where is the that person. were is he? "." Towards your north 500 m". After hearing where about of that person he immediately goes to that place. But what he saw there will make him angered to death.

There he saw cavern people there he also saw few children who are in cage and 5 women sitting in the cage sobing seeing him he was enraged. as if feeling her master anger najiya rushed to his side.

Seeing najiya appear besides him " why did you come?. I thought you were cultivating"." I felt your anger through the spritual i was varied and rushed to you".

Understanding that was the case if said with apologies tone " sorry naju, I made you wary about me". " you don't have to apologies to me because I am your contract pet and it is my duty to do it" says with a smile on her face.

"master, why were you so anger and I even felt killing intent of yours" asked with evil tone. who ever they may be they made her master anger so they will have to die.