Hearing that question mahi points his finger towards the cavern" Take a look, those basterd are killing the people without any care and making the people slaves". as he said the anger inside grows more.

Najiya sees the direction of the cavern and understands why he was so anger." master slavery is the most common thing in this world so we can't help it" says najiya.

" But I can't just sit down and do nothing if the those things are happening infront of me right" says mahi to najiya with serious tone." who says that you can't do anything as long as you have strength to back your words you can do anything in this world" says najiya to mahi.

Hearing her words mahi looks towards cavern and uses his mini immortal eye to see the people condition and information of those people appears to him

[Name: Dan.

cultivation: Foundation Building level 5

organization: Mechainary group (group captain)

elemental type: Fire

weapon: Saber and daggers

martial arts: Mountain spilting and flying dagger s(mortal)

weakness: Drak element and water element

Health condition: Average (internal injures)]

[Name: Raven

cultivation: Qi gathering level 9

organization: Slave marchent

element type: Earth

weapon: Sword

martial arts: Cloud dance (mortal)

weakness: Afraid of gost and demons

Health condition: Very good ]

[Name: Aryan

cultivation: Qi gathering level 8

organization: Mechainary group

element type: water

weapon: Sword

martial arts: Tiger rage (mortal)

weakness: Afraid of demons, fire type

Health condition: good (light injures) ]

[Name: deep

cultivation: Qi gathering level 5

organization: Mechainary group

element type: Air

weapon: Dual wield blade

martial arts: Tiger rage and dual wield(mortal)

weakness: Earth type, lungs problem

Health condition: Average (medium level injures) ]





Seeing all members information and digesting it mahi starts to think what to do . While thinking mahi remembers that najiya cultivation core level and immediately asks her " Naju there are 4 people qi gathering leve 5, two are qi gathering level 8 and 9 respectively and the most important one is foundation Building stage can you deal with the all of them". " With my core formation cultivation strength I can easily deal with them. It's a pit that I don't have a weapon. If I had a weapon it will be good workout" says najiya .

Before Najiya can go mahi stops her " wait for a moment" says and ask the system"system is there any weapons in the shop". "Yes there is weapon but there there are only mortal and some earth level weapons"said system."Open shop for me".said mahi

Window apper infront of him






martial arts

Cultivation technique ]

Mahi immediately selects the weapon section and another window appears









Missile launche




Seeing the wast options mahi was amazed then he asks najiya"what type of weapons do you like to have ". Hearing that question najiya got surprised but quickly covers the suprise look and says "sword would be great"says najiya.

Mahi then looks at the window and selects the sword section and another window appears with different types Swords. After searching for some time mahi selects a very fashioned sword buys by spending 50 sp points and gives it to the najiya.

Najiya was amazed due to the rank of the sword because it is a earth rank weapon. Earth rank is one of the important weapon or the main weapon.So she was suprised by her master casually taking it out of thin air and handing it to her. "Master,how can you take out a earth rank weapon from thin air"Asks the question which was bothering her from morning Because mahi took the martial arts techniques and god level techniques from thin air also so she wanted to ask the question about it . Normally by using the storage device but she know that her master didn't have any storage device that's way she was curious about that.

Seeing her master not answering the question she again says"Master if you have any secret if you don't want to tell anyone about it you don't have to tell about it". seeing how understanding najiya is " naju, I can't tell you now but if I have to tell anyone about it I will definitely tell about it to you first".