Allocating work to chen he bid farewell to chen and comes to his old hut . mahi Starts to shortout the things he got from Mechainary group and slave marchent.

In that looting mahi got 3 martial arts techniques 2 bows 2 swords 1 dual welding swords saber and daggers.All of them is in mortal level.

Seeing the level of the loot mahi was disappointed"What a bunch of stupid they don't even have the Earth grade weapon and still draing to go fought against naju"says with a redical in his voice.

As if hearing funny system starts to and says" those are just Mechainary group and a group in a sect so having mortals level weapon is pretty decent according to this nation standards.

If you are core formation level then you can build a sect that is 9th rank.So I think there are pretty good in cultivation then the host". Hearing those words mahi was surprised because to become a sect Master he has to be (or) have core formation level.As for the comment from the system he didn't refuit because he know he is not match to them and his level.

Thinking of this mahi decided to cultivate to become strong but he didn't immediately start to cultivate but see through the shop option to become familiar with it.

"System open shop"






martial arts

Cultivation technique ]

Seeing that many options he selects the immediately power provider that is weapons.









Missile launche




If it is normal condition mahi may selects the sword or Daggers because he loves cold weapon But the present situation is not like that he want power and which is more powerful than having a gun which can be used from long range.

If he chose the any other weapon he can't use it for long range because of his cultivation low.

So he selects the guns section and sees through the list of the gun.mahi sees all types of guns short guns,long guns, sniper etc, but most of the guns were not available. Only short guns are available for now so mahi starts to check the guns list and saws a gun called 'Drak phenix' which has the beautiful pitch black color. Mahi selects the Drak phenix and it's attributes were shown.

[Gun name: Drak phenix

Grade of weapon:Earth grade

Power of weapon: Can destroy the Earth rank defence Armor easily

NOTE: This weapon is remodeled by the system so that it can be used in the origin world without any problem.

Usage : Drak phenix works buy Using the core of the monster's . The stronger the core the more longer we can use.

Note: This weapon can only be used by the sect people or the people who the Holder of the weapon trust's most.

Cost : 60 sp]

Mahi wanted to test the power of the Drak phenix so mahi searched for the monster core present in the system.and finds the core.

Cost of the core is low.

Mortal: 5sp

Eart rank : 10sp

Remaining are not available.

Tacking the core the monster core of the mortal level mahi goes out to test the power of weapon little distance to the residence area.

Before testing the gun mahi buys the silencer using 5 points and fixs it to the gun by taking the stance he aims nearby tree and fires the gun doesn't made ani sound but the impact caused by the can gun is more than what he can imagine. The sound of the impact is as loud as the minigrant can produced.

At the sect najiya was cultivating in mahi room suddenly hears the sound which causes her to stop cultivating. Najiya searches for her master but won't be able to find him in hut or near by building. Sound caused by the impact is louder so the most of children and the women in the sect woak up in fear of not knowing what was happening chen also stops his cultivation and comes in search of mahi to know what was going on.

Najiya and chen both came to the building to see if there is any problem there seeing scared people in the building najiya saws chen to guard the people in building and chen complies without any refuse because he know that his strength is lower than her even if she can't do anything about the situation what can he do.

Telling chen to look after the people najiya goes towards were sound came from and hoping that nothing has happen to mahi.

After reaching the place najiya sees mahi has under the tree shadow with his hand being in worst condition and he had some Internal injures also.Seeing the condition of her master she was very anger but before she can do anything mahi starts to talk

"Oh, Naju you came. Sry for disturbing you by cause the loud impact. I was testing a weapon and didn't think it can cause this much of impact." said with wary face.

Then only did najiya observe what was going on the surroundings which shocked her,She saw gun laying infront of mahi which emitting the pressure of earth level pressure and row of huge trees who's trunk having atleast 1 meter in diameter and more.She can clearly see the hole in the tree which was half meter in diameter in the row of trees. It Pierce through the dozen of the trees if not more and she can clearly sense that this was caused by the pure qi of demon core.