Hearing those words najiya just smiles but inwardly she was on the cloud nine she was very happy because she will be the first person that will get to know the secret of her master. So she was very happy.

'Such a trust worthy and honest person those who try to make him anger must die. How dare to them to make such a person' . Thoughts inwardly to her self.

Then both of them starts to think about how to ambush them. They decided to ambush them in the narrow valley where escape is nearly possible without them knowing.

When the cavern came to the narrow valley najiya appears before them and asks "you group of basterds realise the people you have captured and I will leave you alone". By sudden enter of the girl infront of them. First they were shocked and then laugh as they heard the biggest joke " yo,here comes the heroin to save the poor people in need" saying that he looks towards her body lustfuly and says " well I didn't had a women for a long time. How about becoming my women."

Hearing those words from the Mechainary group mahi anger once again starts to rise " Naju, I thought giving them a chance to live but now I don't think that is needed do whatever you like"says mahi from behind her. Hearing approval Najiya click her tongue and unsheathe the blade and starts to go rampage over them.

While najiya is rampageing mahi starts to realise the people from cage the lock not a problem because the lock is normal lock those who were captured are all mortals without any cultivation. while he released the last person from cage najiya comes to his side and says "Master those people are dealt with".

Nodding to her he shifts his face to the children and women and says " Now you guys are free, so go to a safe."listings to his words those people face was happy because they were free and at the same time there started to feel fear. Fear because they met be get cought and enslaved again while they are thinking some of the children walks towards them and asks "Master, please take us with you ,we want to become strong, we can do your landers works and other things. we just ask master to teach us martial arts inorder to protect ourselves".

Hearing those words from those children remaining children and the women nods there head.Seeing that mahi was suprised but adjust his poster and talks like mature person who has seen manething on his Life"If you all feels same like this children then so be it. But you guys won't be there as a slaves or the servents but as a desciples and women as a place staff.

But I do warn you the way of cultivation is not a simple one but cruel one there will be a lot of struggles and enemy so do have what it takes to move on the same determination you have shown now. If you think you can't move on by steping on the enemy and the struggle you can leave now but once you take this path you can't back down."

Hearing those words some have some doubts but still having no whare to go the decides to stay and follow there fellow members.

Seeing that no one is backingdown mahi nods his head with satisfaction and tell them to follow najiya to the sect" naju take the back to the sect and protect the on there way"." Yes master but what about you" asks najiya curiously. "This guys looted whole village and there money, they have many treasures on them if we won't take them who will take them. They presented themselves to us why should we let them go" said with a evil smile.

Sending them to the away mahi started his work that is to loot the treasure and valuable things from them after taking all the things that are useful to him.

When he reached the sect there he saw peoples looking at the sect in disappointment."You guys don't have to ware about the sect condition I already asked some one to repair the sect so as temporary residence you can leave in that building" suddenly said mahi startling the people. Allowed them to the building were elder Raghu lived.

Sending them away mahi calls chen and tell him what had happened and asked him"chen I looted the slave marchent and Mechainary so we got lot of gold nearly 2000 gold coins us this to build the sect according to this blue print" saying that mahi retrives the master level blueprint and handed it to him "Tell them to build the building according to the blueprint but level the area were we have to build the formations. most importantly constraction of the residence are is important".
