Next day every one woke up early morning with happy smiles because they are going to reconstruct the dream land sect.Mahi , najiya,chen and reaming members are discussing about the work and waiting for the construction workers. But they hear sounds of horse comming they way.

When the horses are near they saw whose horses are there . Those horses belong to the 'alliance of sects'.

'Alliance of sects' is the alliance of different sects in the dragon nation fromed together.Anything related to the sects Major issue are discussed and dessions are made in this organization

'Alliance of sects' Envy has houghty expression when he come near the sect premises.Seeing the demolished state of the dream land sect envy starts to talk "Does the people of dream land sect doesn't know how to receive the people from alliance". with disdan in his voice.

Seeing this type of attitude mahi understand there intention that they didn't come with anything good.

" 'Envy of alliance' sry for the inconvenience. My Dream land sect was demolished and we started to reconstruct so there is no place for envy to provide accommodation. If we know that alliance's people are coming we may have prepared something." said mahi with indiffrent face without any expression.

Seeing the indifferent expression of mahi people of alliance started to shout angerly.

Person 1: "Who the fuck are you?, Do have courage to talk to the envy of alliance like that."

Person 2: " what right do you have to talk with the envy of alliance.Call your current sect master".





Hearing those words najiya was enraged and started to take out her sword but was stopped by the mahi.

" I am the current sect master of dream land sect. so tell me why do have came to my sect."said mahi with same indiffrent voice.

Hearing that people of alliance was enraged but was stopped by the envy.Envy looked at the najiya for brife second and looked at the mahi " Sect master of the dream land sect to day I came to your sect with the degree from the alliance." said envy with smail in his face.saying that he retrived a scroll and started to read the content in the scroll." As the power bestowed upon me by the different sects I, Alliance master issue this degree . Starting from today the dream land sect which was once known as the top 2 rank sect is removed from the alliance of sect. Any of the Dream land sect affairs are not related to the 'alliance of sects'.

Hearing that degree every one behind are foumming from anger but didn't say anything because they know they are nothing before strong once.

Hearing those words mahi feels immense anger but councils it and said " Okay, starting from today on words my Dream land sect is not part of the alliance of sects. So envy of the alliance of sects you can leave and I won't see you" said with indiffrent voice.

" Sect master of dream land sect I advice you not to have any conflicts with other sects in the 'alliance of sects ' if you have conflicts no one can save you" said envy with pity in his eyes. After saying that envy and his people started to went back.

Mahi faces the people who are behind him and says with a serious face " As you can see 'alliance of sects' people already kicked us out. Now I don't have anything to say to you guys.If you guys feel any insecure and afraid you guys caan leave now and I won't stop you nor I blame you. But if you guys want to stay here I, the sect master will do what ever it takes to keep you safe and alive".

" Sect master while we were captured and brought as slaves you were the person who saved us and provided accomodation. So sect master doesn't have to wait for ask this question.we will stay with sect master." said children with determination in there face and the other also noded there head.

najiya and chen alos said noded there heads.seeing that mahi was overjoyed and sware to him self to protect this people what ever it takes.

" From today onwards we the dream land sect is free from any restrictions placed by the alliance'of sects. I ,sect master will make sure that you be disappointed in the sect treatment.Now for few days you guys have to endure the shame and anger In you when the time comes we wil let them know what we are capable of and make the regret there dission"said mahi to the people there.

While there are talking another men comes there and says" sorry for the distrubance. The contractor of the construction work said that they won't work for the people who doesn't related to alliance and send me to return the money taken as prepayment". said that person and placed the money bag in his hand on the ground and started to walk away.

Seeing that chen got very anger and started to demand an explanation but was stopped by mahi" Chen there is nothing they can do about it. They are just afraid of alliance of sects so leave them.And you don't have to ware about sect construction I will do something about it, you guys go and do your work. construction work will be done in 10 days."said mahi.


If there is any mistakes place do remind us.