Mahi told them to do their own work and leave everything about sect construction to him.

Mahi returned to his hut and started to think of a solution. Seeing mahi in the dilamma system says " Host, why are you thinking so much about the construction process. Host just need to spend 100 sp and the construction can be done by system"told the system to mahi.

Hearing those words from system was overjoyed and compiled"System if you have this method why didn't you told me about it. wait, if the completed sect appear out of nowhere what can tell to others if they asks me".

"Host , don't have to ware about it. In order to not rise the doubt about it system will summen the people and let them do the work for host" told System with pride.

when mahi heard that he understood the logic and decided to use sp points but before he use them mahi checked the remaining sp points available.

Mahi got 500 sp points because early opening of the shop option. He spend 50 sp to buyed sward to najiya then he buyed gun with 50 sp a mortal level monster core with 5 sp and a silencer 5 sp points finally he brought one small healing pill using 1 sp. Total points used are 111 points and the remaining are 389points at his disposal.

Seeing that many points mahi spent the 100 sp points for construction and the remaining points are 289 points.

"System when will your summed people come" asked mahi. "They will be here in 5 mins in order to not cause commotion they were summed little further so it will take time" told System.

Mahi told Najiya to summon all the people to the ground before the sect . When all the members came to the sect ground mahi took the initiative to talk" Within 5 minutes construction people will come here they will construct the sect you all only need to help them is they need anything. If they don't ask for help don't middle in there work. Don't cause any problem to them.The construction work can be done within 10 days " told mahi to people . Mahi asked System to complete the contraction before 10 days.

Construction people who were summed by system came to sect and meet mahi. Mahi just handed over the blue print of the sect to the summed characters.

The summed characters are very rabest people they have very strong physical body with just one look any one can tell that they can complete the work within time period because of there constitution.

Mahi told them the place that the sect should be built and returned to the people and told them to do there work. After those people mahi called chen"Chen as you can we are very week to keep our own life if this is to continued we will be in great danger.So we have to increase our strength in this 10 days" told mahi and retrived a pill which emits a pill Aurum handed it to chen and told." This pill is known as the great qi gathering pill. Once you consume it will work for 10 days.It will gather the qi in your surroundings and helps you absorb then 5 times of your current absorbtion .

Take this pill don't talk any nonsense tell that it is to valuable.I have more pills for my own use so use it and you must reach atleast 8th level qi absorbtion within 10 days. So work hard" said mahi to chen and stuffed pill in his hand and walked away.

Seeing the pill in his hand he wanted to tell something to chen but before he can talk anything mahi was out of his sight.After thinking something chen clinched his fist and swarred to him self to breakthrough the 8 th qi level.

For a brief second mahi had pained expression while giving this pill to chen because that pill cost is 30 sp. But thinking again that they need to get stronger I. short time he put that sad expression away and gave it. Before giving that pill to chen mahi asked for rough calculation of how much can a person with medium grade spiritual root's can increase his level System didn't give any accurate answer but rough figure of level that is why mahi told him to increase his level to 8 th qi level.

After returning to his hut mahi gave the same pill to najiya and told her to took a place of other empty hut and start to cultivate. But Mahi didn't say about the level increase for her.

After sending najiya away mahi started to search for pill of better that great qi gathering pill. Mahi didn't find any other pill higher than that because system level is low.

With that mahi chose second better option that is arrays. The array that mahi chose is 'small great qi gathering array' it cost him 60 sp points.

[Small great qi gathering array.

It gathers sprit qi of surrounding area to the arry and helps the user to absorb that qi completely.

The sprit qi gathering and absorbtion will double than before the array activated

5 people can use this array at a time.

This array is a portable one.]

With this sprit qi gathering array and the pill his cultivtion will be 10 time of the normal. mahi is already 3 qi level so he decided to reach the 9 th qi absorbtion.

Seeing that small great qi gathering array can accommodate 5 people at a time mahi once again called najiya and chen to come to his place.

After they came mahi told them that he has a array which can double the effect.


If there is any mistakes place do remind us.