After explaining the benifits of array three of them started to cultivate in the array.

While they are cultivating construction of the sect is also going on . After ten days mahi ,chen and Najiya stopped cultivating and and come to see the sect.

What they saw is completely astonished them because sect infront of them now is like great building from the kingdom's age in Earth it is majestic and glorious then any other buildings of the sect and collage that can be seen in the origin world.

Even Najiya is greatly shocked because this type of building only can be seen aristocratic family in the heaven relam.But here in the origin world she saw the same type of building that only can be seen in the heaven.

Mahi is also shocked because he has seen some of the earth old forts and palaces But the buildings in front of them is greater than them.

Building in front of him has a lot of blocks . living place, it is the east corner of the site. there are more than the 500 houses each of them is a separate County yard.

Same like that there are more places . This buildings are just like sect arrangements but structure of the buildings are like combination of the kingdom 's age palaces in the earth and the places of those buildings are just like University in the mordan era in Earth.

It can be said as combination of kings age and morden age of the university.

Seeing all the building mahi is certain that can be a university. After nearly a hour of admiringthe sect bulidings mahi tells them to gather infront of the elders racidance . When all the people come mahi starts to talk

"As you all can see our sect construction is completed and now we can start recurting and teaching to desciples.But before that I am changing the name of our sect. From today onwards this is not the dream land sect but the Dream land University."

Hearing those words children, women,chen and Najiya all are shocked. In the origin world even in the heaven the only place that can teach cultivation is sect so they never heard the word University.

Out of curiosity one the child asks mahi "master what is a university. Why is out sect named as university instead of sect."

Hearing that question mahi tells them" University is a place where you can study the verious course according to your interest and aptitude. And as for your second question, because our place teaches the all courses that a person can study in the way of cultivation to the immortality."

Another girl from children asks again" What are the course can be told in university." Hearing that question mahi himself Asks the question 'what are the course that a immortal can cultivate.'

While mahi is in dialoma System came as a life saver and sends the information of the course to mahi.

After digesting the information mahi starts to tell them"There are lot course that can be cultivated in the process of reaching the immortality. The main course that can be cultivated are: Combat, Arrays formation,pills concoting, forging.

Sub course are supportive class know as : Food making,wine making, sculpture-ing, tattoo makin, architecture and apprecial etc."

Once again all the members present in there are shocked hearing that because the main course that mahi told are normal course that a sect have but the sects won't teach all of them they only can be used as a supportive to there course that a sect mainly teaches. But Mahi told them that they all are main course . But what is more shocking is the daily work of the mortal do is regarded as the sub courses.

member present there have alot of questions in there mind but before any one can Asks mahi told them"Before forther going into explanation every frist let's complete the desciples scermony ."

" now those who want join the sect come front and bow to the sect and drop your blood in the array and sware that you won't betray sect as long as you live.After the sware if anyone of you betray the sect and do any harm to the sect you will die on the spot." told mahi. hearing that some people hesitated for brif second but completed the disciple scermony. What stunned mahi is without him telling chen and Najiya also completed the scermony.

Mahi asked them "Why do both of you completed the scermony?. you both don't have to do this scermony." chen replied " I am also a member of the sect so I did the scermony So that no one in the future will question whether I am member of sect or not" told chen this pride in his voice at the same time najiya also told"I am master pet,master is university head so I am also a member of university" hearing those words mahi don't know what to tell them so he sighed and leave the matter.