Mahi then started to tell all of them about the university, university rules and cource and many more others things related to the university. While mahi is telling them chen and others hear excitedly all the things.

After explaining the all the things nearly 3 hours mahi stopped talking and told"Now the university opening and rules explaining is completed so on to the next topic that is which course do you want to take. I will check your apptitude which main course you can take and as for the sub course you can decide yourself.

But before that you guys didn't open your merdains so let's go to the awakening tower." told mahi to them and lead them to the awakening tower in order to awaken those children merdains.Mahi lead them to into the tower.

Mahi told them how to awaken there closed merdains and leave them alone. Mahi turned his head to the chen and najiya mahi remembers that he didn't take a look at Chen's attributes

Mahi uses his mini immortal eye on chen and his attributes were shown.

[ Name : Chen fan

Cultivation level : 9 th level qi gathering

Comprehension: 60 (understandings )

Spritual root's: Medium grade

Bloodline: Titan ape bloodline (unawakened)

luck : 50

charm : 50

Skills : Basics fist art

Martial arts techniques: God level maditation and yoga. ]

Seeing the information of chen mahi was shocked because of chen had the one of the High grade bloodline that is Titan ape bloodline.This time without mahi asking system started to talk.

"Host , your companion has High grade bloodline so System is suggesting that host should help your companion so that your companion can get stronger and help you in sect management." Hearing that mahi understand and asks" system how to awaken his bloodline. Tell me and I will help him awaken his bloodline."system thinks about sometime and replies"Host doesn't need to do much about it. host online need to open the bloodline postion options in the system and can get the bloodline awakening potions".

" Then telll me how to open that option in the shop." mahi asked but the next words from system makes him to scold the 7 generation of the system"Stupid host, You have to figure it out by your-self".

After curseing system for some time mahi thinks about the problem that is martial arts techniques for the desciples. Mahi thinks and asks system" system about the martial arts techniques for desciples..." As if understanding the next sentance system tells "Host,if you Take the desciples as your personal desciples then system will reward the suitable cultivation and martial arts techniques.As for other desciples host has to buy them from the system shop or he can collect them from outside world and upreged them or create a new techniques from the excited ones.

Host, You Didn't you haven't used 3 lottery tickets yet. I think host should use it when his luck is High" told system to mahi.

Hearing those words mahi remembers that he got lottery tickets but he haven't used. Remembering that system has told about them he thanks system and told "system,open the lottery function".

As his words fell a big lottery mechine appear in front of him.Mechine has big screen which shows the different sections that are Weapon, Arrays, Armor,Pills, Accessories, Cultivation technique, Martial arts techniques, recipe, special rewards and gift packs.

Right bottom corner side of the mechine there are two green button one shows lottery tickets of gold number and other shows the silver number.Over all it is like the normal morden lottery mechine. Mahi saw the number in gold tickets number in one of the green buttons.

Mahi was happy because there is no empty section or 'try another time'.One must know in normal lottery mechine there will be try another or try your luck again and the probability of getting them is high.So mahi was overjoyed.

Mahi wanted to draw the lottery but remembers that najiya has the high luck valu and call her. Najiya come to mahi and asks"master what are your orders" asked with little bit of excitement.

Mahi just touched her head and raffled her hair and started to draw lottery seeing that mahi just touched her hair she was happy but when he left her hair she felt little lose.

Rotatory started to rotate very fast and gradually became slow and finally stops at recipe seeing this option mahi was quite puzzled because mahi doesn't know what are the 'recipe' mean and what can he get.

Soon system prompt came

[Host has got the all mortal level pill making recipes book .

This book contains basic pill making process and all the recipe of pills in mortal level.

This book aslo contain the all Herb that can be usable in mortal pill level and some of the main herbs used in Earth level pill making .

this book also contains the information about different types fires that person can obtains.]