Chapter 15

“Don’t freak out. There must be another option so that you can stay safe.” Brenton doesn’t want to be responsible for Zeke getting hurt.

“I’ll book into the hotel. They had other rooms available. Can you take me to my place, so I can pack? I’ll tell Andy about the photo, get him to come get it for more evidence,” Zeke says reasonably. Brenton nods his head. He doesn’t feel safe here, and wants them somewhere with security before they call for back up.

“Okay. Get in the car.” Brenton puts the photo in the envelope and gets into his car. Zeke gets in the passenger seat.

“This is really creepy,” Zeke comments.

“I know. Ugh, this sucks. I’m sorry I’ve gotten you involved in this,” Brenton says as he pulls out of his space and drives off.

“It’s not your fault some weirdo feels the need to look into everyone you meet.” Zeke doesn’t seem mad at him at all, and Brenton’s glad.