He can admit to himself that when he looked to the side and seen Zeke, head bopping along to the music, he’d liked it. He’d liked seeing Zeke smile. In the week since Brenton got a text from his stalker, Zeke has been okay, but he’s been smiling a little less. Brenton thinks it really took a toll on him explaining his past, a secret he’s been keeping from everyone.
And he hadn’t just told Brenton. Zeke had been forced to tell Andy, his ex, and Andy had looked shocked, maybe even hurt that Zeke hadn’t been told before. Brenton thinks if he hadn’t been there, Andy would have had a lot more questions for Zeke.
As far as Brenton is aware, Andy hasn’t been in contact since he took Brenton’s cell phone. He’d warned them to be even more careful, to go nowhere alone. The text had seemed to spook him in a way even some of the photographs had not.