“Go away. Don’t touch me.” Wade mumbled, choking on a sob trying to keep it silent.
“What’s wrong?” Shane asked, failing to keep his voice down. He was scared; what in hell could make his older, braver, manly, attractive and smart brother cry?
Wade felt movement behind him, and he caught sight of a pearly white figure that made him gasp until he realized it wasn’t some female ghost in a white dress, but a very real woman, girl, whatever, Meg. She sat down as well, and put her hand on Wade’s face. “I think I know,” she said.
Then there was another noise, another figure in the dusk, and Max sat down on the floor beside them. “You’d better tell us, man, so we can all go to sleep. If something’s upsetting you, we need to know so we can go kick someone’s ass if we have to.”
Meg went on, “It’s dark and we can’t see each other. It’s easy to say things that way. It’s not like it’s in the sunlight, where it makes it real. Nothing’s real in the dark, honey.”