Chapter 43

Of course, if Michelle was privy to some sort of Guardian inner circle and had warned others about him, this was all moot anyway. But Gideon wouldn’t know if he didn’t try.

“You could still kill me after I open it.” Ray wasn’t ready to let this go. All his dreams handed to him on a silver platter, and he was questioning the messenger. Maybe he was smarter than Gideon gave him credit for. “I don’t know you.”

“So we figure out how to get you to trust me.”

Ray guffawed. “You forget the part where you’re a vampire?”

“You forget the part where I have the stone?” Pushing off the car, Gideon began walking for the road. “But if you’re not interested, you’re not interested. Good luck. Something tells me you’re going to need it.”

He didn’t make it out of the lot before Ray stopped him.

“Wait. Maybe we can work something out.”

Gideon made sure he was smiling as he turned back to Ray. “I’m sure we can.”

* * * *