They continued without a word spoken between them. Their fingers met when he passed over the lit tinder, hot and dry, dryer than beside the stream when sweat and other bodily fluids had glossed their skin. Once, he was able to catch a glimpse of pale blue eyes beneath the thick lashes, and his world sharpened at the heat he saw there, tempting him yet again to forego his duty in favor of satisfying his desires. Only acknowledging how selfish that was stopped him.
As he shifted back to the candles, he wondered if Sullivan knew how much he really inspired Rafe to forget all of it.
When the last prayer was said and gone, Rafe finally indulged in fulfilling his own wishes.
“Did you get any sleep today?” They had been out until almost dawn. He’d had to force himself to get up in time to head into the restaurant for lunch prep.
“Not much. But I’m all right.”