Chapter 36

As Sullivan unlocked the garage door, Rafe pressed to his back, his arms stealing around his waist to lock him in place. He squeezed once, hard. If nothing else, he wanted Sullivan to know Rafe understood.

The apartment spanned the entire area of the garage, though it lacked walls to designate rooms. It wasn’t the sheer square footage that struck Rafe dumb when Sullivan lit a lamp. He’d known Belle had ample space for a man of Sullivan’s size. No, it was the amount of greenery Sullivan had brought into it. Plants and cut flowers adorned every flat surface, every corner. An overflowing vase sat in the middle of the tiny table, leaving almost no room for anyone to actually eat. Small pots of herbs sat on the window sill, ready to embrace the morning sunshine when it peeked over the horizon. A row of feathering ferns hid one wall.