Chapter 11

“That doesn’t sound like you’re certain. How are your parents taking your accident? Are they emotionally there for you? Will they help you settle back into life once you’re out of the hospital?” Jack’s watching him closely, and Arkady doesn’t like it. His head feels muddled as it is from the meds. He doesn’t want to get tripped up by a therapist and end up being kept in the hospital because they think he’s mad.

“My mother was upset that I’d been hurt, my father too. Of course they are. They’re not overly emotional people, but I’d say they were there for me. They’ve been looking after my dog. They know he’s important to me,” Arkady replies.

“You like animals?” Jack has a notebook, and he writes as he talks, but Arkady can’t see what is being written down from his angle lying against the pillows. He doesn’t like Jack making notes on him like he’s some kind of science project, and he feels paranoid about what Jack might be saying about him.