Chapter 12

“You wouldn’t be. I offered. Don’t be afraid, Arkady. I’m not like every other woman on the staff: I haven’t fallen in love with those big green eyes,” Prisha teases.

Arkady blushes. Some of the female nurses do seem to have taken a liking to him. It’s good for Arkady’s ego. These women know that he’s got a disabling injury, and they still find him attractive. But Arkady knows life will be different outside the hospital. The people around him won’t be used to permanent injuries, and so much of the queer community focuses on looks and health. He worries that he’ll be in the scrapheap at twenty-five.

“I have not won your heart? How sad. Well, let me text my father and tell him I have a ride. Thank you so much.” Arkady smiles softly. He likes Prisha. She’s been kind and patient with him. She even makes him laugh. She doesn’t tiptoe around him like his parents. She talks about his injury and his past.