Chapter 30

“Leave me alone.” Arlo tilted his face to the sky and reached upward, the branches up there were too thin to be called branches, they were nothing but twigs.

Ice filled Nash’s chest. “Stop! You’ll fall.” He could already see Arlo limp and broken on the ground. The claws he’d finally managed to force back into his fingers sprung forth, and on the inside, his beast whimpered.

Arlo looked at the ground, at Nash, and then upwards. “Climb down and I won’t go higher.”

Climb down?It would mean a greater distance between them. Nash gritted his teeth. “I can’t.”

Arlo narrowed his eyes. “You can’t climb down?”

“No.” He searched for words, something that would make sense to Arlo, but it didn’t make sense to Nash, so what could he say? That he couldn’t climb down because it would physically harm him? Would it, or was his mind playing tricks on him? The beast within raked its claws against his ribcage.