Chapter 57

“I need to talk to you, okay?”

“I’m working.”

Deon turned to Holly who was gaping at them and smiled. The dimples that had caught Arlo’s interest when he’d first seen Deon made an appearance. “Would it be all right if he took a break? We need a few minutes, family emergency.”

“Sure.” Holly smiled, her eyes glued to Deon.

“No, it’s not time for my break yet.”

“It’s all right, there’s hardly anyone here. I can manage.”


“Go.” She made a shooing gesture, looking at him for the first time. Her grin died when he shook his head, but it was too late. Deon grabbed his arm and tugged him, none too gently, toward the exit.

* * * *

Nash was drumming his fingers against his kitchen table. He’d gone to his apartment after Arlo had gone to work, that way he was closer to the coffee shop.