“Detective Kane has a suggestion. You come here and he’ll arrange for us to use an empty room. There’s no way the man could know that you’re the person he’s looking for, so it should be safe, given how many people come and go visiting friends or relatives here.”
Theo swallowed hard. Suddenly the idea of his leaving the security of his apartment terrified him. On the other hand, he knew he had to and at least being there would be safe. Or as safe as possible, I suppose.
“It will take maybe fifteen minutes for me to get there, once I pull myself together,” Theo said, hating the tremor in his voice.
“Take a deep breath,” Ric replied softly. “You’re going to be okay. As you said, and I agree, our man doesn’t know who you are. If he did, he’d have gone directly for you.”
“True, I guess.” Theo shivered. “How will I find you when I get there?”
There was a low chuckle before Ric said, “Call me?”