Chapter 27

“I think we can presume whoever wants me to back off knows what she looks like. It’s pretty obvious he doesn’t know where she is and I’d bet my bottom dollar he doesn’t want the two of you getting together. Killing her would solve that problem.”

“And killing me, too, probably,” Theo said.

“Let’s not find out if we can help it.”

“I have an idea,” Kane said, tapping his fingers together. “Before you protest, hear me out. Give me the list of names and I’ll have the police in each of the cities or towns where they live put an officer on them, without their knowing. Then, you do something that will allow our perp access the list on your computer, without it looking like a set-up. Does your list include pictures of the women?”

“Yes, for all but two of them,” Ric replied.

“Good. If one of them is of the Lilliana he’s looking for, he’ll go directly for her. If not, and he thinks it could be one of the two without photos, he’ll check both of them out.”