“What-what are you going to do to me?”
“I’m going to patch you up and send you home. You’d do the same for me.”
The vanth remained plastered to the wall in fear. “But the elves trap souls in trees and devour their flesh. And I am caught in your tree! Look at it—it’s a nightmare! A prison! A tomb!”
Alec huffed, “No. This is my home, not a prison. Do you really not know how to enter trees at will? Once the humans are gone, I can teach you; it only takes a little practice. Here, come sit down and tell me how you got caught by humans. You don’t have to be afraid anymore, I promise. We are safe in here.”
The vanth shook his head, seemingly calmer now but still terrified.
“I have never met a vanth before. Do you live in this forest?”
The youth buried his face in his hands. “No.”