Chapter 4

“But you’re no longer a human. You’re an elf now, and your family needs you. Please, just please come home.”

“I will, I promise, but, I need to help him first.” He pointed to the corner of the chamber where the vanth was crouching behind a nest in alarm.

Caerula raised her head quizzically, then gasped in surprise. She saw the young vanth and gave him a warm smile. “Hello! Who are you?”

Alec explained, “His name is Tuxtax. He’s lost “and I’m going to help him find his way home.”

“It’s all right, love. Don’t be afraid. You look like you need a warm embrace, too. Come here,” she encouraged, and he, too, settled beside her in the pool.

Caerula kissed Tuxtax’s forehead in motherly affection.

“He’s a vanth. He’s never been in a tree before,” Alec added.

“There’s nothing to fear tonight, dove. It’s safe to sleep here. We can help you find your family in the morning, but in the meantime, try to find them in the Dreaming.”