Alec’s heart raced as Tuxtax’s hand found his. Within seconds, their fingers were intertwined.
“Don’t leave me behind,” the vanth warned, his eyes full of affection.
I’ll have to. Alec sighed, saddened by the thought.
* * * *
Within the hour, they arrived at the peak of Anchor Rock. Its flat summit lorded high above the trees, providing an easily visible landmark for miles in each direction.
Tuxtax’s hand withdrew from Alec’s as soon as they landed. Excitedly he called out for his sister, “El? El? Are you here, El?”
Alec sighed in disappointment as soon as the vanth let go of his hand. “I hope she comes soon. You should be safe from humans up here; they cannot climb a boulder this high. Just keep low—and quiet.” He turned to leave.
“Wait,” Tuxtax gasped. “You can’t leave yet—it’s daylight. Humans will see you! You’ll get caught.”
Alec shook his head, then pointed to the stream below. “I’m going to swim underwater. I have gills. I will be fine.”