“So your blood is green. My blood is purple and your brother’s blood is silver. Your blood doesn’t define you. This does.” She thumped on his chest. “And it says that your soulmate just gave you a map to visit him.”
Alec blushed. “I can’t. I can’t leave my tree or I’ll die.”
She pulled him into her arms. “You could make a graft. You could graft a blossoming branch into your heart, and not be bound to your tree. That’s what your mother Kat did, before she settled down with Krozer.”
“But then this tree will die. And they’ll die. And I’ll lose them all over again.”
“What? Who?”
“This tree is where my parents fell, after the dragon attacked. And they’re still here. Echoes of them, at least. This tree is their grave. And it’s—she’s—also part of me. I feel her, like I feel Arnath’s thoughts. If I leave her, she’ll die. And part of me will die with her. And I won’t have anything left of them—all of them: Mother, Papa, or her. And I can’t do that. At least, Not yet.”