The agent started to protest then held up his hand. “Just a second, please.” He put a hand to his ear then replied, “Yes sir, they’re right here.” A moment later he told Vance, “Sorry about that, I wasn’t expecting…” He looked over the motley crew. “Go on in.”
Vance gave a thumbs up and slammed open the double doors leading to the hotel’s ballroom, striding in, closely followed by the others. Rico and Roger immediately split off, each one slipping through the crowd to one of the sets of ornate, curved staircases leading up to the balcony. For a moment no one seemed to be aware of Vance and Ginna and then shocked silence rolled across the room quickly followed by a babble of voices as people seated at the tables or standing at the bar along one wall asked each other what was happening. Several agents moved toward them before coming to a halt, obviously under orders to stay put.