“Stay where you are,” she called back, a gleeful smile on her face. “I want you to watch while I do this.”
Con continued walking toward her. “Why? If I’m here or up there with you the results will still be the same. You’ll have murdered twenty men for no reason other than to try to make me feel responsible.” He stopped when he was a few feet from the stage. “But I won’t. This is none of my doing.”
“It is!” she said angrily. “You made me what I am today.”
“No, Jacalyn, what you are now you were when I first met you, an agent provocateur and a killer. My only regret is that I learned about it too late to stop you before you continued on your reign of terror.”
“What the hell is he doing,” Robin asked as he watched the drama unfold.
“Keeping her attention focused solely on him,” Urbain replied under his breath. “The cavalry is on the way, but they need time to reach her.”
“Rog and Rico?”
“And Van,” Ginna said when she realized he was no longer beside her.