Chapter 94

That left Gambini unprotected, cowering like a dog against the bulkhead. Vance advanced to stand in front of him, a tight smile on his face. “I could kill you now, Signore Gambini,” he said softly, pressing one of his blades under Gambini’s trembling chin. “You’ve been responsible for the deaths of more people than anyone has a right to claim. I would greatly enjoy taking you apart piece by piece until you begged for death.”

“Van,” a quiet voice said from behind him, “don’t.”

Still keeping his eyes locked on Gambini, Vance replied, “I won’t. I suspect his own people will take care of him in their own time. He’s become more of a liability than an asset to them at this point. So, keep watch over your shoulder, Signore Gambini. The time is fast approaching when someone will put a knife in your back, either as punishment for your failures, or to remove an impediment to their own rise in the ranks.”