Chapter 95

“Yes, even, and don’t try to argue with me about it. I’m older and in some ways wiser than the rest of you, especially when it comes to personal interactions. I’m not saying you’ve fallen for him, not yet, but you are working your way in that direction, Ginna.”

“As if it would do me an ounce of good if I were, which, Stu, I am not admitting to.”

“Why not? There’s nothing wrong with caring for someone on more than a friendship level.”

Ginna leaned back to look at him. “You know it wouldn’t do a damned bit of good if I did.”

“What I know,” Stuart said, “is you’re the first female other than Makie that Van’s allowed into his life. Now Makie, she’s sort of a mother figure to him. The only decent female role model he’s had, though roll model’s not really the right word I guess, but she’s the only one he’s had until you came along.”

“Damn, Stu, I’m hardly that. I’m just another woman.”