Chapter 13

“How…why…I don’t understand, and I don’t know what to say. The whole thing is insane to me.”

Galen glanced upward for a second or two before gazing deep into Dion’s eyes. “That’s because the higher power above has a sick sense of humor. That motherfucking bastard probably thinks it’s some kind of poetic justice.”

Dion still looked really stunned. “Let me try to wrap my head around this whole cupid thing. Before you became a cupid, you were once in love with somebody, and she hurt—”

“It was a man,” Galen cut Dion off midsentence.

Dion stared at Galen, obviously astonished. “Oh!”

“Contrary to what some historians are claiming, back in my time, homosexuality was actually nothing out of the ordinary. It was extremely common for two people of the same gender to be lovers.”

“Okay. Back to the cupid thing. Your male lover hurt you.”

“That’s right.”

“You stayed angry at him until you died.”

“Angry is putting it mildly, but yes.”