Chapter 52

“Not at all. Have you forgotten the reason why I’d been turned into a cupid nearly four thousand and six hundred years ago?”

Dion blushed. “No, I haven’t, but I thought you would probably want to remain as an angel. After all, you’ve been a cupid for many years now.”

“Had,” Galen corrected.


“I’m an ex-angel now,” Galen clarified. “I no longer have to worry about uniting two or more souls together. I’m a free agent.”

“Oh! Does that also mean you will start growing old again?”

Galen shrugged. “Possibly, and when it’s my time to cross over, I’ll pass away just like a normal human does.”

“But you’re not fully human, though.”

Galen shook his head. “No, but in many ways, I’m no different from an ordinary human being. I’ll still be physically more powerful than even the strongest among them, and I also retain the ability to sense everyone and everything beyond the mortal plane, but other than that, I’m just a man.”