Chapter 13

“More than you think.” Robert backed up his words with a few nods. He hoped Lee would continue without his having to give something away. The only secret was his being gay. He didn’t know how Lee would react if he found out, especially now while he lived under Rob’s roof. Lee would leave in another four months. Better Lee found out after he’d gone.

Maybe, in time, Rob could be more honest with Lee. If he found someone to love, he’d have to be. Not to make a big deal out of it, but not to deny it either. Maybe he should throw a few hints once Lee got his own place, so that the truth didn’t come as a shock when he introduced his boyfriend at the Christmas party. Not that he had a boyfriend…yet. One lived in hope, but mostly his life was all about work. In his job, he even worked the occasional Saturday night. But they weren’t talking about him. “Ever tried to go back, to visit those you left?”

Lee shook his head, took a sip of coffee, and swallowed. “Too afraid of what I might find.”