Kelwyn yanked his gaze away, not wanting to stare.
“She is not joking when she says we are her friends,” said Harun softly, noticing the direction of Kelwyn’s gaze. “I think sometimes this is the only place where she can be herself.”
Kelwyn nodded. “I’m glad she has this.” He smiled at Harun. “I’m glad I have it too.”
“Hey there.” Elania slid into a chair next to Kelwyn and flashed him a smile, then turned her gaze on Harun. “You going to sing tonight?”
Harun shifted, his expression suddenly guarded, wary. “I had not planned to.”
“Please? Pretty please?” She flashed a glance over at Kelwyn, and said, “Sing ‘For His Blue Eyes’ maybe? That one is a really lovely showpiece, and your voice is suited for it.”
Harun blushed at that, for some reason. “I…Ah…”
“You know we all love to hear you sing. Or do I need to pour a few more of these into your first?” She grinned and tapped the side of Harun’s mug.