Chapter 28

“I have no idea what I’m doing, but it does feel kinda natural to wave around,” said Kelwyn.

“Good.” The smith smiled.

“How much is it?”

“Eight crowns.”

“Gods above! I don’t have that much, sorry.” He carefully sheathed the sword and set it back on the table where it had been resting. That was a hell of a lot of money.

“You know the pay for the Queen’s Own is pretty generous. It wouldn’t take you long to save up that much, given that your room and board are paid for too,” said Harun.

“I guess, but I sure don’t have it now. It is a really nice sword.” He smiled at the smith. “I ain’t arguing the price is wrong. It’s just more than I’ve ever spent on anything in my entire life.”

“It’s a nobleman’s weapon, made and priced like it,” said the smith, his answering smile showing a missing tooth. “If you wanted to place an order for a similar, plain sword I could do it for five. Same quality blade, just without any of the decorative work.”