Chapter 64

However, his body was too tired to even get up. He was sorely regretting not taking Gavin up on his offer for a ride, as uncomfortable as it would have been. But that would have meant enduring Andrea trying to play matchmaker when Gavin was clearly interested in her, and there was nothing worse than false hope. Josh was tired of chasing after what would never be his. He’d come to terms with the fact that he would never be accepted in the pack. He’d come to terms with the fact that he would never be happy unless he could live his own life. Now he had to let go of the foolish dream that he’d find someone who would love him for who he was and not just use him for their own gains.

Before he could talk his legs into moving again, a black compact car pulled up. The passenger window rolled down.

“Josh? What are you doing out here?” Shawna asked. “Do you need a ride?”