Chapter 98

Gavin, on the other hand, wouldn’t fight unless Josh was in danger, because he feared being forced into a role he didn’t believe himself capable of. He was wrong. But no matter how hard Josh pushed him to fulfill his birthright as a leader, Gavin only pushed back harder. It was a wonder Josh had convinced him to come along at all. Their bond was the only thing that kept Gavin by his side. Without it, Josh feared Gavin would leave and he would never see him again. That thought alone scared him as much as facing Bryce.

“We have to convince the pack that they need to select someone other than Bryce as pack leader,” Josh said as they drove up to the main house. “They need to know what’s at stake.”

“What if they don’t want to hear it?” Gavin asked.

“We make them listen by exposing Bryce.” Andrea smacked Josh’s headrest hard enough to rattle his head.
