Chapter 14

Renée spent the next hour trying to catch Jenny’s eye. She saw that look of pain again but couldn’t get Jenny to meet her gaze. She resolved to find Jenny after this was over and confront her. No, that was too harsh a word. She didn’t want to demand answers. She just wanted to know why Jenny looked like someone had murdered her puppy.

During the mingling at the end of the ceremonial dinner, Renée sought Jenny out, but when she approached the medtech table, she had to congratulate Conchetta. By the time she looked toward Jenny’s chair, Jenny was gone.

* * * *

She’d handled that badly. Jenny knew it. She’d been unable to explain and she’d been unable to stay and face Renée. She was embarrassed. Bloody hell, she was ashamed. And nothing she told herself could alleviate that feeling.

The fact that she was being completely stupid in her jealousy only made it worse.