“I’ve been having dreams. Bad ones. And weird feelings about being watched. Even when I’m alone in my room.”
“We could take it to—” Jenny cut herself off. “No, we can’t, can we? Considering how the trackers treated you today, it doesn’t seem like they’re ready to listen to interns.”
Renée shook her head. “Not the security. Definitely not the trackers. Maybe I can talk to Agent Tavery again…” But she realized even as she said it that he’d given her little more than platitudes. “I don’t want the other interns to face whatever it is alone, but none of them seemed affected until today.”
“How do you know?”
That was true. “Should I stay? Just to keep an eye on them?”
“I’d rather you stayed with me.”
Renée felt herself glowing. “Really?”
“I’ve been looking for a reason for you to stay with me, and this looks like my chance,” Jenny said lightly. Then she added in a more serious tone, “If you want to. I don’t mean to pressure you.”