Chapter 29

“Just say it, Dew,” she urged.

“Say what?”

“My name is Dual Hood and I’m a great big gay boy. Come on. You can do it.”

“My name is Dual Hood…”


“I’m a great big…”

“Say it.”

“So everybody already knows?”

“Well, not everybody. But Mama knew. And I knew. People aren’t dumb. You seem to be the only one who hasn’t figured it out yet.”

“It would have killed Mama,” I said.

“I don’t think so. She wouldn’t have liked it. She was old school. It was different in her day. But she loved you and she would have adjusted. And Charlie’s a nice young man. I mean, like, okay, he’s a total cutie pie, but he’s also nice. He has manners. And respect. Mama would have liked him. She would have gotten used to the idea. You don’t give her enough credit. She’d fight you tooth and nail, but once you made the decision, she would have gotten on board. That’s how she was. She’d work it out. And so will everyone else.”