
Chapter 32

“How?” Jill asked finally.

Leo sighed dramatically. “I’msupposed to be good at prank warfare. And here Colby’s been fooling us all for, what, a decade? And he’s a genius writer, and hot, anda brilliant actor? Unfair, I said.” But his eyes were fond. He also held up his glass of mostly-gone port. “Cheers, Colby, you win. You win everything ever.”

“To Colby,” Jill said, and Andy and Laurie echoed.

Jason said softly, “To you,” and touched his glass to Colby’s, but didn’t take a sip; only waited until Colby did, then leaned in for a kiss, drinking liquid tawny sweetness from Colby’s lips. “I love you, you know.”

“Yes.” Colby licked lips, after: pink and shining like stars, like temptation, like hope. “I know. I love you as well. Actually I did want to ask about something. One more thing. Involving Leo, possibly, but also anyone else who might help.”

“Me?” Leo perked up, resilient and bouncy. “At your service. Any service. What kind of service do you require?”