“I’ll follow you home and check the car so you can put it in the garage. Do you have room in the garage?”
“Yes, when I remodeled I put in space for a third car. Now, outside of my car and the lawn mower, the garage is clear.”
“I’m finished, Reggie. Let’s go home.”
Jack walked them to their car which Keith insisted Reggie park by the loading dock ten feet from the kitchen door.
Twenty minutes later Reggie and Mark pulled into Reggie’s garage. “Do you want some tea before you go to bed? We can talk if you still want to,” Reggie asked Mark.
“Yes…Jack needs to look at the car before we put it in the garage, though. He’s right. It would be like Billy to hide in the back seat and surprise me. I didn’t leave it unlocked, but Billy knows how to get in a locked car.”