The pain came back with a vengeance. Reggie hissed. Keith came in with Jake, who stood at the end of the bed. In too much pain to speak, Reggie settled back and nodded.
“Your parents came, the shooting was in the paper. I told them you didn’t want to see them and your living will gives Mark the authority to make decisions for you.” Jake told him.
After, Reggie was still until the pain went back to a manageable level.
Reggie cocked his head toward Jake. “What did they want? They certainly weren’t interested in my continued good health.”
Jake continued, “They asked for their money. I assured them that they would still receive their stipend as long as they left you alone.”
Reggie nodded. “They ha…ve to leave Mark alone too.” Speaking got easier with practice.
“Your father tried to bully Mark, Greg was sitting with him, so Greg called me.”
“Did the right thing. My father is a ba…bastard. Watch him, he’ll try to hurt Mark.” Reggie gave out a small moan.