Chapter 36

“So, you really love Mark?” Jason asked. “You know, he’s been hurt before. From what I heard from Jack, Billy did a real number on him both physically and mentally.”

“I’d never hurt him like that. I’ve sat at the end of the bar since before you met Zach trying to get him to look at me. I’ve finally succeeded and he’s so much more than I dreamed.”

“Do you think he loves you?” Bobby asked.

“He says he does. It’s still new for him. He’s afraid that I’m going to think he loves me because I pushed him out of the way of that bullet.”

“On the porch that night he kept saying, I hope you remember I wanted to talk to you. Please remember.I thought it strange at the time, but now I know what he was talking about. He wanted to tell you he loved you that night. He really does love you.” Jason’s eyes opened in realization.