Chapter 37

Mark glanced up at the clock. It was 8:30. If he wanted to get Reggie ready for his appointment, he had to wake Reggie up. Mark leaned over and started to kiss Reggie’s face.

“More of that, right now.” Reggie murmured as he moved his mouth to Mark’s lips, nibbling at the sides.

Mark gave Reggie a broad grin. “I love you, but it’s time to get up. We have to get dressed.”

“Baby you taste so sweet to me,” Reggie said as his mouth moved to Mark’s shoulder, then around to the nape of his neck.

“We’re not going to make love this morning. You have PT at eleven and you’re going to need your energy for that.” Mark patted Reggie’s cheek. Reggie frowned.

“Don’t worry. I’m going to give you the best blowjob you’ve ever had.”

“Cocky, aren’t you.”