Chapter 42

“Lout, a clod, a bum…lout.”

Mark threw up his hands. “I give up. You should have been the lawyer, not Bert.”

“As I’ve said before, we both have issues. We see Greg on Monday.”

“Change of subject…what are we getting Jason for his birthday? The party is tomorrow.”

“We’re going shopping for a gag gift.”

“Why a gag gift?” Mark’s curiosity was evident in his voice.

“Because when the team first got together, some of the guys couldn’t afford to give expensive gifts for birthdays, we decided to go with gag gifts. You can buy a gag gift for a few dollars. Either Bobby or I would go in with Jason or Bert so it never cost them more than a few bucks. It couldn’t, there were eleven of us and every dime counted for some of them.” Reggie nibbled on Mark’s neck. “Now the gag gifts are a little more expensive, but not by much.”

“You were a good friend to Jason, and to Bobby, and I’m proud you want to be with me even though I can’t fathom the reason.”