* * * *
“Reggie, Reggie, wake up. We have to get out of here using the back door through the apartment. And call nine-one-one. I think Billy’s outside and I smell gasoline.”
Reggie sat up in the bed, eyes wide open. “I smell it too, baby. Stay calm. Get some sheets, wet them in the tub put them over us and we’ll go to the backyard. I’ll call the police. You call Jack, Jason, and Bobby.” Mark quickly did as he was told. Reggie called the emergency line and explained the situation. Dispatch promised a car right away. “Come on and take the cell phone, your keys and our wallets. Call Jack on our way out. I’ll call Jase and Bobby.”
Reggie reached for a lamp. Mark slapped his hand away. “Don’t turn on any lights that may trigger a spark. Can you find your way in the dark?”
“Follow me, baby. He won’t be able to get out back because the fence is alarmed and the gate is locked.
“I can’t find my wallet.”
“Never mind that, our lives are more important than a wallet.”