“Did you get them?” Mark heard Zach ask.
“No, they got away. A black and white chased them into Asbury Park and lost them around the construction. We’ve put out a countywide alert. We’ll get them.”
Reggie let out a puff of breath. “You keep saying that. We’ve been shot at, now they tried to burn us out, when will you get them?”
Someone yelled, “Jesus fucking Christ, we have two dead bodies here, severely burned.”
* * * *
Jack turned to Reggie. “The security guy, what kind of car does he drive?”
Mark pointed. “It’s that Camry over there.”
Jack shouted, “All of you stay where you are.”
Jack and his partner, Dennis, walked over to the car. “Call in the county forensic team. We have arson and two dead bodies. The first one is John Delaney, he was supposed to be security for the house. He must have fallen asleep. There is blood and brain matter all over the front seat. I would say he was shot at point blank range.”
“Who is the other body?” Dennis asked.