Chapter 6

Carlo was right behind him. He knew better than to protest Jack’s picking up the tab. They got into the Lexus. “What kind of car do you have?” Carlo asked

“A Jeep,” Jack replied, seeming a bit confused.

Carlo started the car. “You’ll have to trade it in for a sedan or a crossover like Bobby’s.”

“Why?” Jack buckled himself in.

“Car seat…with a car seat they are a pain in the ass to get in and out of easily. And the older Jeeps are too cold for a baby in the winter A Jeep is a single guy’s car.”

“Shit, I’ve had it five years and just paid it off. Turn right here. They lived in Continental Gardens.”

Carlo opened the apartment with the keys Mr. Hyland gave him. Inside it reeked of mold. It hadn’t been cleaned for months.

“Jesus Christ, what a pig pen.” Carlo looked around, trying not to gag.

“Beau wasn’t much of a housekeeper.”