Chapter 34

“Jack knows that’s not true. If Beau had reached out, Jack would have responded, but only as a concerned friend. He couldn’t be more, even if I wasn’t around.”

“I think you may be right. Beau didn’t mean as much to Jack as Jack maybe thought he did. That may hit Jack eventually. Are you ready to deal with his ambivalent feelings about Beau?”

“I’ve been dealing with that for nine months. Even if Beau hadn’t died and came to Jack free and clear, Jack would have helped him, but he wouldn’t have taken him back.”

“You sound sure.” Greg tapped his pencil on his pad.

“I am.”

“That’s good, but you’re still going to need help adjusting to your sudden change of circumstances.” Greg put the eraser by his mouth.

“I’ll come with Jack.”

“Good. You want to bring Jack back from the waiting room?”

Carlo got up and opened the door nodding to Jack. Jack got up, put down the magazine he was reading and joined Carlo in Greg’s office.

“Do either one of you have any questions or concerns?”